Abstract Organic Shape

Physiotherapy + Physio-Aesthetics

our brands








Women with Healthy Skin on Light Background

morf into the

healthiest version

of you,


beauty is just a side-effect

Beautiful Young-Looking Senior Women, Beauty Portrait
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the founder and owner of Morf found it

odd that she had to go to a slimming center

to get her LPG Endermologie done to

relieve her water retention & overall body pain

brought about by her autoimmune disorder.

she was then surprised that Indiba,

a machine that heals on a cellular level was

also in a slimming center. she needed it for an ā€‹experimental treatment to heal a set of her internal ā€‹organs.

this was when she realized that there was a gap in ā€‹the market for a clinic that focuses on helping ā€‹people heal serious pains & ailments in a

non-surgical, non-invasive, and chemical-free way ~ ā€‹where aesthetic quick fixes arenā€™t just the goal. ā€‹Aesthetic beauty is the byproduct of good health.

modern shape

we are not just another slimming center.

we truly want to see our clients morf into healthier versions of themselves so they can feel better mentally, emotionally,

and physically.

in fact, beauty is just the byproduct.

Physiotherapy + Physio-Aesthetics

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our team of

DHA-Licensed Physiotherapists

is lead by


after 15+ years in the physio-industry, winnie ā€‹decided there was more to her expertise ā€‹than following managementā€™s request to ā€‹focus on aesthetics and profit, regardless if ā€‹the client needed it.

she wants to help clients genuinely reach ā€‹their healthiest selves, and the aesthetics ā€‹will naturally follow.

oh, and did we mention that sheā€™s

a fur mom.

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white spiral arrow oil painting style

we are here

to help heal

these pains

using manual therapy & all these expensive yet effective original machines we invested in, to make healthiness truly affordable for everyone.

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pain comes in all forms.

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  • acute pain results from surgery or other health treatments.
  • doctors define acute pain as pain linked with a cause that they can relieve with treatment.
  • acute pain means pain that will lessen or stop as healing occurs.


  • chronic pain is long standing pain that persists beyond the usual recovery period or occurs along with a chronic health condition, such as arthritis.
  • chronic pain may be "on" and "off" or continuous.
  • It affects people to the point that they can't work, eat properly, take part in physical activity, or enjoy life.


  • perhaps, we were just living unhealthily and itā€™s taking itā€™s toll.

when we are physically unwell, no matter how hard we try, our moodā€™s affected and inevitably, the way we live our lives.

no one wants to live in pain.

sometimes we try our best to be live a healthy life but we hit a plateau and this makes us feel depressed, or demotivated.

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non-surgical, needle-free, chemical free, all-natural &


all our and are

Black Arrow


Black Arrow


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Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

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LPG uses

mechanical stimulation

of cells, called endermologieĀ®.

It reactivates the cells, awakening them naturally and painlessly.

Backed by more than

30 years of expertise and scientific research, LPGĀ® has created a patented technology to control all these natural mechanisms in a single treatment.

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VelaShape III combines infrared light, bi-polar radio frequency energy and vacuum, which cause deep heating of the fat cells, their surrounding connective tissue and the underlying dermal collagen fibers.

This type of

efficient heating

and vacuum

stimulates the

growth of new

and better

collagen and elastin which results in localized reduction in skin laxity, body volume, and an overall improvement in skin structure and texture.

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INDIBA radiofrequency therapy is backed up by continuous medical studies for 35+ years. It increases circulation to the target areas by enhancing vasodilation ā€” the expansion of blood vessels.

This increase in blood flow brings higher concentrations of oxygen and

nutrients to the targeted treatment area, which helps

to speed up the healing process.

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CoolTech is one of the most advanced and safest devices that is used to trigger the apoptosis* process in a treated area, through the application of controlled cooling to permanently remove a considerable number of fat cells.

*Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death. It is used during early development to eliminate unwanted cells; for example, those between the fingers of a developing hand. In adults, apoptosis is used to rid the body of cells that have been damaged beyond repair. Apoptosis also plays a role in preventing cancer.

..and more:

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INDIBA will supplement our expert Physiotherapistā€™s physical manipulation of your muscles, tissues, skin, and/or joints. Itā€™s a 2-in-1 treatment. A few sample conditions below:

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Your concern

Women feeling unwell and sinus



Knee pain area.
Toe Pain, Injury, Arthritis, Bunion, Calluses Concept
Pain, injury in the shoulder.
Human hand suffering rheumatoid arthritis
Woman's hands in office. Arthritis concept.
Senior man runner with knee pain


arthritis, inflamed



stubborn fat,

visceral fat,



Clinical Impact

Aesthetic Impact

INDIBA has an effect on diluting secretions and decongesting the sinuses, with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It also stimulates collagen, stimulating cells to detoxify and fully clear the sinuses. INDIBA treatments have an effective anti-inflammatory effect and facilitate the evacuation of secretions.

While weā€™re working on your sinuses, basically, your face, the same science is boosting collagen and repairing tissues thus reducing your wrinkles and plumping up your skin.

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For every area that is being treated clinically, the excess fats that are there are getting treated/removed and again, since the collagen and elastin is being activated, the skin will also regain itā€™s youth.

INDIBAĀ® is an excellent tool to complement physiotherapy to effectively treat a range of musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, which involves bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It accelerates rehabilitation and leads to improved outcome scores for chronic ailments. These results are obtained due to its efficacy in reducing pain, controlling swelling, improving tissue functionality and elasticity, and increase in vascularity.

INDIBAĀ® is used for the management of conditions that are currently difficult to treat with medical prescriptions or other types of treatments. Osteoarthritis is a common degenerative condition of the joints that results in stiffness and pain.

Clinical studies have shown that INDIBAĀ® significantly reduces pain for up to 3 months and improves joint function in patients with knee osteoarthritis compared to patients that only undergo physical therapy. Many people suffer from different types of chronic back pain (lumbago, sciatica, herniated disks).

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physiotherapy with indiba

the science behind indiba

beauty with indiba



sample treatment - flabby arms

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in the hands of our highly-skilled Physiotherapists, we maximize LPG Endermologieā€™s mechanical stimulation to reactivate dormant cells, which brings about amazing results (EXTERNAL SIMULATION FOR INTERNAL ACTION!):

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Your concern

Lumbago, sciatica,


lower back

pain, burns,




poor blood and lymphatic circulation,


stubborn fat,

pre & post-operative/

surgical preparations,

pre & post-workout pains

Clinical Impact

Aesthetic Impact

the medical endermologieĀ® technique (performed by a trained professional) mobilizes tissues and stimulates circulatory exchanges to relieve tensions and reduce stiffness. This pleasant and natural treatment restores joint mobility while significantly reducing pain.

medical endermologieĀ® sessions can treat all connective tissue transformations (burns, scars, fibrosis, etc.), circulation problems, and muscle pathologies (lesions, contractures, etc.) naturally and painlessly, without any side effects.

these treatments considerably reduce physical signs and symptoms (such as erythema, induration, pain, loss of joint mobility, muscle tensions, stiffness, soreness, etc.) so as to pave the way for a rapid return to an active life.

a more intense and precise, yet pleasant stimulation to the skin surface in order to reactivate natural physiological processes in-depth:

  • Restore fluid flow
  • Accelerate vascularization
  • Stimulate collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production
  • Stimulate natural lipolysis

endermologieĀ® helps to activate the bodyā€™s elimination functions and stimulates the circulation (x3) while also relieving the symptoms of water retention.

While weā€™re working on the area of concern for medical concerns, the motorized flaps awaken the natural synthesis of essential rejuvenating substances.

this cell stimulation then helps fibroblasts (rejuvenating cells) to boost their production of collagen (firmness), elastin (suppleness), and hyaluronic acid (volume and hydration), naturally present in our skin.

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the science behind LPG

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Your concern

Body visceral fat is generally wrapped around major human organs, such as liver, pancreas, and kidney. It ensures that there is some distance between each organ.

Too much visceral fat leads to inflammation and high blood pressure, which increases the risk of serious health problems.

Clinical Impact

  • a loss of intra-abdominal visceral fat may induce a fall of BP in obese hypertensive subjects.

  • having visceral fat in the belly is a sign of metabolic syndrome, a collection of disorders that include high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol and insulin resistance. Together, these increase the risk of stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. combined with a strong motivation to be healthy = decent food, moderate exercise, and

  • visceral fat is more dangerous since it results in greater insulin resistance compared to subcutaneous fat, or fat under the skin. Insulin resistance is when the body produces insulin, but is unable to properly use it to control blood sugar. Glucose (sugar) builds up in the blood, leading to diabetes.

  • losing excess belly fat, also improves blood vessel functioning and also improves sleep quality.

CoolTech must only be used by licensed professionals such as our DHA-Licensed Physiotherapists as it cools the tissue down using oscillate from 3ĀŗC to -8ĀŗC:

Aesthetic Impact

  • Smaller Waist size.
    • This is an easy way to get a rough estimate. Wrap a tape measure around your waist over your belly button. (Donā€™t suck in your stomach!) In women, 35 inches or more is a sign of visceral fat. In men, itā€™s 40 inches. Warning: This is a crude tool, especially if youā€™re a very big person. And if youā€™re of Asian descent, the benchmark for visceral fat drops to 31.5 inches for women and 35.5 inches for men.

  • Improved Body shape.
    • Look in the mirror. Where your body tends to store fat can offer you a clue. If youā€™re an apple -- a big trunk and slimmer legs -- it often can mean more visceral fat. This body shape is more common among men. Women are more likely to be pears -- with bigger hips and thighs. Research shows that upper body fat is more dangerous to your health, which might be one reason why women usually live longer than men.
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an intro to CoolTech

sample session



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Your concern

Back of a Slim Person's Legs
Woman With Cellulite on Thighs
Fat woman in corrective panties in the fitting room, flabby belly and hips after pregnancy, overweight female body on pink background
Weight problems. trouble walking. płaskosotopie, valgus knee

Clinical Impact

Muscle spasm,


poor blood


stubborn fat,

loose skin.

  • for therapeutic purposes, the device is used to alleviate muscle spasms.

  • increases the local blood circulation, helping to relieve aches and pains.

  • vacuum and specially designed rollers for the Mechanical Massage smooth out the skin to facilitate safe and efficient heat energy delivery. the net result increases the metabolism of stored energy, increases lymphatic drainage and reduces or shrinks the size of the actual fat cells and fat chambers.

  • as cellulite is tackled, and since hormones are believed to play an important role in cellulite development, with a healthy diet and mild-moderate exercise, hormonal improvement may be observed.

  • improved blood flow.

reduced blood flow can be a genetic predisposition or toxicity that results

in lymphatic build-up and decreased removal of toxins and delivery of

nutrients, thus causing cellulite. by remedying the cellulite, you are also

improving the blood circulation in the area.

  • its deep heating has several effects ā€“ it increases circulation and lymphatic drainage, helping to eliminate fluid and decrease fatty deposits.

VelaShape III must only be used by licensed professionals even if the operation seems simple and that our version (III) has a built-in sensor :

Aesthetic Impact

  • the first and leading FDA-cleared non-invasive medical solution for circumferential reduction and the first FDA class II cleared platform for cellulite reduction.

  • the main purpose of the VelaShape III procedure is cellulite treatment and volume reduction.

  • it also speeds up cellular metabolism and collagen deposition. This strengthens skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite.

  • VelaShape also stimulates fibroblast activity and helps to remodel the extracellular matrix to encourage firmness and lifting of the skin.
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an intro to VelaShape III

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with InfraRed

  • Pressotherapy speeds up the blood circulation and metabolism by using infra-red technology, this enables the dissolved fat to enter into the blood and lymph fluid where it travels to be removed from the body.

  • Gentle air pressure promotes lymphatic system reflux and finally drains the toxins out of the body.

  • relaxed muscles and fewer aches.

  • reduction in appearance of cellulite.

  • reduction of swelling and stiffness

in the limbs.

  • removal of toxins, though this needs more research.

  • toned and firm skin.

  • stronger immune system due to lymph moving properly.

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  • a special device is applied to pressure acupoints on the body's meridians. Sometimes, it will involve stretching or acupressure massage, as well as other methods.

  • reduced muscle tension.

  • improved circulation.

  • acupressure releases endorphins and promotes anti-inflammatory effects, helping with certain types of arthritis.

  • more than one study suggests that fatigue and mood may improve from the use of acupressure.

Better-designed trials are needed

to be sure.

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  • Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is a type of electrotherapy stimulates a muscle contraction using electrical impulses in order strengthen weak muscles, reduce swelling, relieve pain and help heal wounds.

  • Pain relief. EMS can be used at low levels to reduce the amount of pain you experience. This can be done by modulating the amount of pain signals to the brain or releasing natural pain-killers called endorphins.

  • Muscle contraction.

Examples of this type of therapy include:

      • Following a stroke, EMS can be used to maintain some muscle tone in the shoulder to improve function and reduce pain.
      • To treat urinary incontinence, EMS may be used to contract the pelvic floor muscles.
      • Following surgery, EMS can be used to stimulate the muscles in the thigh to increase strength.

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Ultrasonic cavitation reduces the body's fat deposits that could be hard to get rid of by exercising alone. This procedure cannot be used for weight loss treatment on its own. Ultrasonic cavitation is best for reducing cellulite and adipose fat. This improves body shape and contour &reduces circumference.

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Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

  • Debloats and depuffs.
  • Breaks down cellulite and fat cells.
  • Gives skin a glow.
  • Helps with post-injury swelling.
  • Optimises results after liposuction.
  • Eases tension in the body.

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& after....


Results vary from person to person.


CoolTech for Love Handles.

stubborn pockets of fat blasted and visible 4 weeks from the first session.

Important Note:

Client also helped by exercising specific area with pilates.



loose skin.

results visible in 4 weeks.

2 treatments per week.




5 months of combination


Important Note:

Client also adjusted eating habits (no special diet) but correct portions, and 45 mins. of intense walking daily.




frozen shoulder.

62-year old female; due for surgery.

in 3 Indiba sessions, pain was relieved.

total of 12 sessions completed for total relief. maintenance session once per 6 mos. to maintain healthy collagen and elastin production to prevent recurring pull/tear/inflammation.



ankle sprain with ATFL tear.

5 sessions in 10 days with indiba.


4 hours after first indiba session.

tissue less stiff; texture improved; cellular rejuvenation + collagen production.

face lift/tightening.

6 hours after first indiba session.

Wrinkles reduced.

Face lifted.


after 1 session

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borrowed from reviews by clients in google.

Visit our Google Profile

to see all reviews:

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contact us.

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050 - 119 5052

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T: 04 - 345 8225


all licenses, training certificates per machine and proof of all original accessories are available in our clinic.